100 Thousand Poets for Change: An Anthology


The 100 Thousand Poets for Change Anthology on the Poets’ Corner: Editors, Obododimma Oha and Anny Ballardini.



This is the text of the original call for submissions:


(Ed. Anny Ballardini & Obododimma Oha, in collaboration with MICHAEL ROTHENBERG)

Obododimma Oha and Anny Ballardini, in collaboration with Michael Rothenberg’s event, will edit and feature outstanding poetic compositions for the 100 THOUSAND POETS FOR CHANGE on Fieralingue’s  Poets’ Corner.Visual artwork, poems, poetic fiction, poetic nonfiction, and photographs to be submitted for consideration should go beyond the simple and gratuitous statement that ‘a change is needed.’

Visual works and photographs for submission are to be saved in JPEG format, while texts, which should not have rigid formatting, are to be in Word. All submissions should be emailed to the editorsanny.ballardini@gmail.comand obodooha@gmail.com by September 1, 2011 with “100 THOUSAND POETS FOR CHANGE” in the Subject line.

Best wishes,
Obododimma Oha
Anny Ballardini

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