Raleigh, North Carolina

ORANIZER: Richard Krawiec

CONTACT: rkwriter@gmail.com

Great news from Raleigh, NC. Renowned poet Betty Adcock(Slantwise, LSU Press) will be sitting on the sidewalk outside Quail Ridge Books from 11 – 1 offering free feedback on any poems people wish to bring by.

And Richard Krawiec (She Hands me the Razor, Press 53) will be teaching a free workshop – Where are you? Where are you going? – to the Raleigh Divorced Women’s Support Group, led by Caroline Huerta

For the Raleigh Poet-on-the-sidewalk critique, joining Betty Adcock at Quail Ridge Books will be Richard Krawiec (She Hands me the Razor)(11 – 12) and Time McBride(The Manageable Cold, Triquarterly Books) from noon to 1.

And Dorianne Laux (The Book of Men, W.W.Morrow) is going to involve her student in emailing poems to NC politicians who voted to cut spending for the arts.

Also, We’re having a Parking Lot Open Mic at Readers Corner, Raleigh , NC from 1pm until the poets run out. Tara Lynne Groth(Bare Feet on the Dashboard) is organizing it. We’ll read from the sidewalk.

In North Raleigh, Megan Cutter is going to tie poems to trees.


Betty Adcock offering a free critique at Quail Ridge Books in Raleigh

Tim Mcbride working with a young poet and her mom at Quail Ridge Books, Raleigh


Richard Krawiec leading a workshop for divorced women in Raleigh


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