Examiner.com- Los Angeles



Saturday, September 24 · 11:30am – 11:30pm

A Global Event created by Founder Michael Rothenberg (see below) is growing at a rapid rate daily.  The poets of 265 Cities and 59 Countries across the globe are enthusiastically gathering, planning and writing to speak about “Change”.

An event such as this is history in the making; Stanford University is now committed to archiving it’s progress through the main website: http://www.100tpc.org

Poetry is the catalyst. It inspires creative solution. Poetry can only speak truth. It is based in love and compassion for every living thing that has inherited the Breath of Life. ~Yvonne de la Vega

LOS ANGELES POETRY FOR CHANGE ORGANIZERS CONTACT: losangelespoetsforchange@gmail.com

What is an L.A. Poet?

To define the outstanding persona and quest of the L.A. poet would entail a recalling of the history of the city itself.

Los Angeles is rich with stories of an untold history, stories that tell of the humanistic aspect of plight in regard to oppression, racism and the slow progress of change.  These social conditions are the very soil and social fertilization that cultivates the prophetic expression that only the poet can deliver.

If you study the rise of the Los Angeles Boosters, and the violence it took to create this mecca in a dry desert wasteland, there’s no wonder that film noir originated here. Go even further back to during the war between the United States and Mexico in 1846. Los Angeles was occupied by an American garrison, but the citizens drove the fifty-man brigade out of town.

Because of the city’s history, Johnston McCully recreated the early days of Los Angeles finding it to be the perfect place from where his fictional hero “Zorro” arose,  a hero and legend that fought in defense of whom? THE PEOPLE!

All in all, poets fight the Good Fight, and the Los Angeles poet is one that uniquely bonds to his fellow poet. There is love, honor and camaraderie between them.  So now, with this history in mind, add the demographic of Los Angeles as the entertainment capital of the world, and not only do you get a voice that calls for Change, but also one that is also delivered with stage presence, charisma, and a delivery that is convincing and entertaining.

Los Angeles poets know, or know of one another and have for decades.  Most have helped others with the organization of an event, sometimes supporting without having to be on the bill. This support and cameraderie is rooted in the love and for the sake of the Spoken Word. This is just one of the beautiful things about the Los Angeles poet.

Charles Bukowski stands out in our minds amongst the best poets of modern poetry. He wasn’t really one of the Beat Poets, although his readers like to romantically place him amongst them. Hank was different, he spoke with a rolling realism and a subtle humor beneath every bottom line and the difference between Bukowski and the Beats is, Charles Bukowski was an L.A. poet full on, full out, through and through. It is his realism and sincerity,  however cynical, that has attracted many to his poetry and short stories.  Of course… he was an L.A. Poet.  LA POETS UNITE!

On September 24,  a global grassroots event titled, 100 Thousand Poets For Change will take place in more than 245 cities and 55 countries worldwide. It’s going to be a definitive day for all of humankind and history in the making. Many topics of change and the need for change will be presented from the voices of the people, represented by the voice of humankind: the poets.

In Los Angeles, each organizer will host a one and a half hour poetry reading. The readings will be hosted back to back from noon to midnight. – There will be four booked bands featured before each quarter of the event. The L.A. poet organizers of The Los Angeles Poets For Change are:

Michael Rothenberg – Founder of 100 Thousand Poets For Change. A poet, songwriter, editor and publisher of Big Bridge. With Michael’s vision, poets of the world are coming together for the first time in history! In Los Angeles, some of the finest poets of the city will speak to our brothers and sisters, our children, our neighbors and especially to our Nation’s Leaders.



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