Novi Sad, Serbia

ORGANIZER: Nataša Stanišić


Association Kulturanova calls for poets from all over the Balkans
region to participate in action “Direct consumation of culture” and to
exhibit their poems on 24th September in Novi Sad, on one of the walls
in one of the open spaces in city centre. The “exhibition” of poems
“100 Thousand Poets for Change” is another action which is part of the
long term project of Association Kulturanova, “Gradionica”, which have
the aim to deal with afirmative actions, creations, cultural and
artistic production, and to put focus on problem of using public space
and a need of independent cultural scene for venue like this. Action
“100 Thousand Poets for Change” consists of more then 600 events
happening at the same time, on 24th September this year, in more then
450 cities all over the world.

Beside exhibiting those poems on a public space, they will also be
published on a blog, as well as on the
web page dedicated to this project “100 Thousand Poets for Change” – After 24th September, all gathered documentation about the
project “100 Thousand Poets for Change” will be archived on Stanford
University in California, USA as a part of a project of digital
archiving LOCKSS.

To participate in this call please send your poem with a short
biography on this email address:

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