Great News! Stanford University CA to archive!

We have GREAT news!!!  Stanford University, historically known as a world leader in research, and known for its excellence in academics here in the United States has recognized 100 Thousand Poets for Change as a historical event and has decided to archive the complete weblog- as part of their LOCKSS program.

What is the LOCKSS Program?

“LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), based at Stanford University Libraries, is an international community initiative that provides libraries with digital preservation tools and support so that they can easily and inexpensively collect and preserve their own copies of authorized e-content. LOCKSS, in its twelfth year, provides libraries with the open-source software and support to preserve today’s web-published materials for tomorrow’s readers while building their own collections and acquiring a copy of the assets they pay for, instead of simply leasing them. LOCKSS provides fully managed preservation and 100% post cancellation access.”

In other words, the 100TPC site and all its content will be preserved forever, regardless of what happens “online”. That means your individual Event Location Blog Page and all its content will be preserved forever as well!!!

So…this is why it is important for you to use your Event Location Blog Page to your full capacity.

You should make announcements regularly to reach all your participants and keep them updated and engaged. Also, remember that your page will very likely be viewed by other organizers and participants, in other cities and countries, helping to connect everyone involved in 100 TPC throughout the world.

In addition, anyone who looks at the 100 TPC weblog should be able to get a vision of what poets and artists and activists around the world are thinking and concerned about, and give insight into why each of us is participating in the100 Thousand Poets for Change initiative.

So, if you keep a journal, please post some of your journal entries on your page. Post poems by you or others. If you have created flyers, posters, or art that pertains to the event, have copies of newspaper articles, links to discussions on other internet sites and blogs, post it on your 100TPC Event Location Blog Page. The more the merrier! The Event Location Blog Page was created for you and you city!

Your Event Location Blog Page is an overall essential part of the 100 Thousand Poets for Change global initiative. Posting and sharing on the Event Location Blog Pages helps create community, a global community. And although the 100 TPC Facebook Event Page does a great job to create community and is easy to use as a hub for communication, it can’t (and won’t) become an archive or a permanent document of the entire process and outcome of this event. This is what the site is for. Feel free to copy and paste chat threads or comments from Facebook to your Event Location Blog Page that you feel should be preserved.

On another note, if you choose to create your own blog or website for your particular event, that is great! But remember, only having a link to that blog or site from your 100 TPC Event Location Blog Page is not enough to keep it archived. Whatever server it is on most likely will not exist forever. You should make the effort to copy all the information at your own separate site or blog on the Event Location Blog Page at the site to ensure it is part of LOCKSS program.

After September 24th, all the Event Location Blog Pages together will become not only a huge document of the entire initiative, and all its parts, and your participation in this global initiative, but also an important archive of contemporary world poetry.

And of course, it is obvious that much of the material to be posted will be created in the days and weeks following the actual events on September 24! There will be video of readings and performances, documentaries of events, poems written for the occasion, many photos and audio files of people, places and things! So, remember September 24th is not the end of 100 TPC, in a way it is just the beginning.

Together, the Event Location Blog Pages and RSS feed and all the other subscription services should keep all organizers and participants connected, help spread information and inspiration, and facilitate the flow of ideas between all cities and countries involved, strengthening the 100 TPC global community.

And most important, as mentioned at the beginning of this letter, your Event Location Blog Page, with all its comments and photos and everything else, will become a permanent archive of your involvement in 100 Thousand Poets for Change!

So, what are you waiting for? Start posting! (go to “HOW TO use your Your EVENT LOCATION BLOG PAGE” page on the main menu for detailed instructions and more info!)

A big, BIG, thank you goes out to all the organizers and participants for their enthusiasm and efforts in planning events for September 24th, and for making 100 Thousand Poets for Change possible! It’s going to be an amazing day in history!

Michael and Terri


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