100 Thousand Poets for Change – Los Angeles KPFK 90.7FM

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100 Thousand Poets for Change
Saturday, September 24 2011, 2:00pm – 10:00pm by alexa Hits : 33

A global event scheduled for September 24th, 2011

Although the event is scheduled for September 24th, we feel the worldwide growth of the event is newsworthy, since at this time the count of participation is at 350 cities and over 65 countries. This number is growing everyday. 100 Thousand Poets for Change was founded by publisher/poet Michael Rothenberg who is considering “kicking off the day’s events” around the globe from right here with The Los Angeles Poets.

The Los Angeles segment of the global event entitled, “100 Thousand Poets For Change” will host it’s event at 2pm to 10pm on Saturday, September 24th, 2011 at The Wadsworth Theater in Westwood, located at 11000 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90024 …

At this time, there are over 360 scheduled poetry events with over 300 cities and more than 65 countries taking part. Event coordinating and participation displays a rapid growth since it officially began on April 4, 2011.

The Los Angeles Poets For Change is a group of Los Angeles poets and poetry organizers that have come together to plan the Los Angeles segment of the global event.

John B Barrymore III – Actor, poet and writer will Emcee/host event.
Milo Martin – Creator of The Overhead Projector Series of the legendary ONYX Readings.
Mike The Poet Sonsken– Co-founder Getunderground.com. & Jointz Magazine. Monthly readings at Stella Adler Conservatory
Jessica M. Wilson – Founder of the Los Angeles Poet Society, Art Walk’s Writers’ Row, and SoapBox Poets.
Douglas Steindorff – His group of ex-Marines will speak out against police brutality and wrongful deaths by police officers.
Christian Elder – Organizer of the Lollapalooza Poetry Slams
Rafael J Alvarado – Long time Los Angeles poetry organizer and co-Founder H.I.P., Hollywood Institute of Poetics and co-Founder of World Wide Word Radio Networkwith interviews of poets and writers across the country
Yvonne de la Vega –Los Angeles Poet and poetry journalist. The Los Angeles Poets For Change Events producer, public relations Produced “Hollywood Cops For Kids“, guests and donors included Faye Dunaway, Pricilla Presley and Dwight Yokum. A member of Art Speaks “Just Us” a featured poet Art Speaks events with focus on raising awareness to help end police brutality Nationwide. Examiner.com

The Los Angeles event in planning includes, “Visual Poetry” by artist Tom Reyes,, dubstep dancers of The Urban Academy witth an exhibition to “We Have A Goal”. the dubstep track for CHANGE by El Sol Dubstep.

“We Have A Goal” video for event http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5z_n7-XvA0

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