Stonewall, Mississippi

DESCRIPTION: Christy’s Annual Community Cultural Arts & Crafts Event at Stonewall, MS

CONTACT: Wynne Huddleston

The 100 Thousand Poets for Change event in Stonewall, Mississippi was held as part of Christy’s Annual Community Cultural Arts and Crafts Event in Stonewall MS. The festival included arts craftsmen, music, storytelling, and concluded with a huge church choir concert.The Meridian/Lauderdale County and Newton/Neshoba County Chapters of the Mississippi Writers Guild graciously agreed to support 100 TPC with their poetry and music concerning:

  • Abuse–Drug and Alcohol abuse, Child Abuse, Spousal Abuse and Animal Abuse
  • Environmental Concerns-Pollution, Global Warming
  • Human Concerns–Hunger, Disease, Social Injustice
  • Peace–We love our troops and know we must defend our country, but at the same time we pray for world peace

Here is a front page article in The Meridian Star!


11:30 Music by Dinah Rebecca Lachney

Dinah Rebecca Lachney, Amy Lott in background, Ralph Gordon bottom left

Dinah is an awesome singer!! Joey Ethridge (brother of Chris Ethridge of The Flying Burritos) left and Amy Lott, right

12:00 Wynne Huddleston, Miss. organizer introduces 100 TPC and Ralph Gordon, President of Mississippi Writers Guild

MWG Board Members Richelle Putnam, June Davis Davidson, Virginia Schafner, President Ralph Gordon, Robert Ray, Wynne Huddleston

*Choral Reading

Prayer of 100 Thousand Poets

by Wynne Huddleston

Let our message become
that thing with feathers, spread
wings and soar
around the world.

Let it nest in the breasts
of those who emit
terror, greed, and hatred.

Let our words be crisp
as autumn air, fresh and pure
as a mountain stream should be.

Let our languages blend,
harmonious as colors of a rainbow,
mend the holes in the ozone.

Let our pleas for peace rise
higher than the noise of metal and fire,
end misuse of power.

Let bells of liberty resound
so loudly that shackles are released
from hands and feet.

Let our caring discover
a way to cease poverty,
drug abuse, hunger and disease.

Let not politics, race, religion,
or money override regard for mankind,
the future of Earth and all life therein.

May these poetic wishes fall
like lovely colored leaves, stick
on the soles of shoes, and be spread
wherever they tread.

© Wynne Huddleston

12:15 Poem by Carol Williams

12:30 Poetry by Wynne Huddleston– “Devil’s Due,”
“Trees Grown in Pixie Dust,” and “God Speaks: Let it Be”

12:45 Poetry by Ralph Gordon

1:00  Original Music by Singer/Songwriters Mousai (Richelle Putnam-guitar & vocals, Sheila Hutcherson-guitar & vocals, Amy Lott-clarinet, flute, accordian, keyboard and vocals, Joey Ethridge-bass and drummer) Amy wrote a great song just for the event!

1:30 Poetry by Jill Alexander Carlberg

Jill Alexander Carlberg

1:45 Poetry and Story by Richelle Putnam

2:00 Poetry by Sheila Hutcherson

2:15: Music by Musai

1:30  Poetry by Robert Ray

Poem used for the choral reading:




Lined up at Christy's for food!

Christy’s Fine Foods & Catering

Arts & Crafts

Kid Stuff

Say No to Drugs symbol.

The blue ribbon is for child abuse awareness.

The purple awareness ribbon symbolizes domestic violence,  animal abuse, and religious tolerance.

History of the Peace Symbol


History of the Recycle Symbol


Together we can make a change!

Wynne Huddleston

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About Wynne Huddleston

Wynne Huddleston is a board member of the Mississippi Writers Guild and serves as secretary for the Mississippi Poetry Society. Her poetry has appeared in numerous publications. For more information, please see
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