Literaturwerkstatt Berlin-Berlin, Germany (WPM)

Dr. Thomas Wohlfahrt

Leiter / Director
Literaturwerkstatt Berlin
-poesiefestival berlin
-ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival
Knaackstrasse 97 (Kulturbrauerei)
10435 Berlin
Tel  +49. 30. 48 52 45 0
Fax  +49. 30. 48 52 45 30


 & ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival on September 24, 2011

Literaturwerkstatt Berlin, one of the founding members of the World Poetry Movement, will support the 100,000 Poets for Change project on 24 September 2011 with two poetry related presentations at the book fair in Gothenburg, Sweden, and online with a special upload of poets from almost every continent. is the platform on the internet on which poems are available to listen to, and to read both in their original languages and various translations. There one can experience the melody, sound, and rhythm of international poetry, recited by the authors themselves.

This project of Literaturwerkstatt Berlin and more than 40 international partners makes poetry accessible and understandable for all, above and beyond national borders and language barriers. Since it started on the web in 1999, has been visited more than 6.000.000 times by users from over 120 countries. At the moment presents 770 poets, 7000 poems, 55 mother tongues and more than 9000 translations into 55 language.

On 24th of September 2011 will present not 100.000, but 10 new poets: Amanda Aizpuriete (Latvia), Mary Jo Bang (USA), Lucía Estrada (Colombia), Yael Globerman (Israel), Nâzım Hikmet (Turkey), Ben Lerner (USA), Sainkho Namtchylak (Tuva), Silvio Rodriguez (Cuba), Tone Škrjanec (Slovenia) and Abdouldaim Ukwas (Libya)

On the same day at noon, Heiko Strunk, project manager from the beginning, will give a presentation of at the book fair in Gothenburg in the frame of this year’s focus of the book fair ‘Three countries, one language”.

Later the same day, accompanied by the Swedish publisher and lyrikline partner, Rámus,  Heiko Strunk will screen poetry films from the biannual ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival, an international forum for short films that deal with the content, aesthetics or form of poems, organized by Literaturwerkstatt Berlin. During this session, the two poets Marie Silkeberg (Sweden) and Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl (Iceland) will present their films and their poetry.

ZEBRA Poetryfilmfestival is a very international festival, takes place all two years and is a project of Literaturwerkstatt Berlin. See some of ZEBRA Poetryfilmfestival Films.

World Poetry Movement



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