Ipswich, Australia

ORGANIZER: xs parry
CONTACT: xsparry@bigpond.com

100,000 POETS FOR CHANGE – Theme: ” Be The Change ”

Saturday, September 24 · 12:30am – 11:30pm

Facebook @ Chan6es.

1. Put the title, author of poem, and links and image in share box and click enter.
2. Cut and paste your poem into the comment box below what you have just entered.
3. See Crayons – for example of how to submit your poem.
Your poem can be written by you or someone else. Simply give credit where credit is due. Thanks. Xs.
Join other poets around the Globe in a demonstration and celebration of POETRY that promotes serious social and political change.
So far 350 cities and 80 countries are planning 460 events for Sept 24 2011.
Chan6es supports Big Bridge in the USA and All Poets who are unable to attend any Real Time Events in their home town.
This page offers POETS Everywhere the opportunity to be involved in the Big Bridge organisations Historical Global POETRY Movement For Change.
The theme that Chan6es is asking POETS everywhere to consider is
This means that you can poetically express your hearts desire for change on this events page for your inclusion in history in the making!
Hand written Poems, Video Poems, Journal Prose, Images and Quotes that are from your heart to others are Welcome Here.
All of the One Hundred Thousand Poets for Change, across the globe, want to hear what you have to say about ” BE THE CHANGE” so please share with the world your poetic creativity!
After the Global 24 September 2011 Event, everything on this page will be sent to the Big Bridge Organisation to be added to the Grand Overarching Change Mission Statement that will be archived by a leading University in the USA.
So please join in the Excitment!
Chan6es Australia in Partnership with You and Big Bridge USA is Celebrating The Revolutionary Talents of Poets Everywhere. on 24 September 2011!
Be Here!!!

For more information go to http://www.bigbridge.org/100thousandpoetsforchange/

flourishing in change

mobile: +61 042 611 9265
Twitter: chan6e
Facebook: chan6es
Tumblr: chan6es
Skype: chan6es

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