Bancroft, Ontario, Canada

ORGANZER: Kathy Figueroa


Hi Folks!

A day devoted to poetry readings and music in Bancroft, Ontario, is currently being planned for Saturday, September 24th, 2011, and an invitation is extended to all poets, songwriters, and musicians to participate in this project. Bancroft will be just one of over 360 communities, in over 85 countries around the world, where poets will be joining together to initiate positive changes in the global community. So far, approximately four hundred and sixty events have been scheduled to take place worldwide. Called, ‘100 Thousand Poets For Change,’ the concept of poets participating and advocating for the common good evolved from an idea that American poet/songwriter/author and editor, Michael Rothenberg, developed to try to make this world a better place via the spoken word.

The schedule for the Bancroft event is as follows:

1. 10:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. – an informal get together for coffee will be held at The Door Next Door Cafe, located on Bridge Street in Bancroft.

2. 12:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. – a scheduled poetry reading at the Bancroft Public Library will take place. An, ‘open stage,’ policy will be in effect and everyone is welcome to read either their own work, any poems that have been written by their friends or family members, or a few of their favourite poems by well known authors.

3. 2:45 – 5:00 p.m. – another gathering at The Door Next Door Cafe, this time with live music along with additional poetry. (The cafe closes at 5:00 p.m.)

4. 7:00 p.m. to ? – depending on the number of people who express interest in participating, we could then regroup at another establishment and have an, ‘open mic,’ event with more live music and more poetry!

As well, there are a few poems currently on display at Ashlie’s Books, in Bancroft, and another collection will soon be put on display at the Bancroft Public Library. This latter group will include work by some of the earlier inhabitants of this area, current local residents, and a samples of poetry from other countries.

The main focus of the Bancroft, ‘100 Thousand Poets For Change,’ event will be on the environment, so any poems or original songs that pertain to nature would be especially appreciated.

For more information about this historical event, here’s a link to the, ‘Public Event,’ page for 100 Thousand Poets For Change:!/event.php?eid=106999432715571

As well, I’ve set up a page on Facebook for Bancroft:!/groups/164740476914270/

(I think that these links might have to be copied & pasted into your browser to work.)

I’ll be posting additional info closer to the date of the event. If anyone has any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

The leaves of the trees turn beautiful colours in the Fall.

A view of the York River on the south side of Bridge Street in lovely downtown Bancroft, Ontario.

This is what the York River looks like from Bridge Street, when looking north.

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