PARIS jAzZ ShAMaNoiSE by Tsunami bOOKS-Paris, France

Tsunami Bookks

Paris latest NEWS: Tsunami poet will be executed tomorrow outside of the Louvre Museum as part of a “Tribute” to capital punishment – he will be reading one Last Poem followed by a series of last wishes before being beheaded

Location: Pont des Arts – Musée du Louvre – Gallieni
Time: ‎4:30PM Saturday, Septem

Tsunami bOOKS sera à Paris pour célébrer 100 MILLE POETES POUR LE CHANGEMENT. ( )
2 évènements sont prévus : 1 happening – le premier au Louvre ( 16h ), ensuite une rencontre & récital shamanoise bouleversants ( 17h ) de Tsunami bOOKS et amis, inconnus, amants, clochards sur le
Pont des Arts ( Seine ) – – Ramenez vos bouquins, zines, guitares, flutes, tambourins,, harmonicas, …violins, accordéons etc; des bières, vins, tartes, bouffe etc!! 

– Si vous êtes à Paris le 24 SEPTEMBRE et désirez nous rejoindre, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter
– Pour couronner la nuit, un évènement jazz poetry organisé par le poète musicien Moe Seager & invités ( 17h-22h, 10 rue Adelaide LaHaye, Metro GALLIENI )


Tsunami bOOKS is celebrating 100 THOUSAND POETS FOR CHANGE in Paris!

1 happening outside of the Louvre Museum ( 4:00pm )
next, a spontaneous shamanoise reading/gathering on the Pont des Arts ( Seine, 5:00pm ) with Tsunami poets, friends, lovers, strangers, beggars… — Bring books, zines, guitars, bongos, accordions, harmonicas, flutes, saxophones etc — beers, wine, brownies, tartes, pies, etc!

– and to top off the night, a jazz poetry event organized by jazz poet Moe Seager & friends ( 7:00pm to 10:00pm, 10 rue Adelaide LaHaye, Metro GALLIENI )

You are/you will be in the French capital in September and want to join us for the event? Just email us for further details. 


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About Henrik Aeshna

Henrik Aeshna lives amongst flowers, cats & visions in a rundown hotel in the heart of Montmartre, Khajuraho-Paris. Degenerate artist, explorer of intensities & translator, he’s the conspirator of outlaw poetry network Tsunami bOOKS & the creator of SchizoPoP Manifesto, a mix of shamanoise poetry, intravenous visual deliriums & sound/body painting. His poems & visual interventions have recently been published in Paris, London & in the US. His upcoming poetry book is titled The Absinthe Diaries, & his first solo exhibition is due to take place in Paris this Summer. He sees poetry as a Tjurunga key capable of reconnecting his blood, as well as his deepest being, to a more exuberantly dangerous & vaster realm of experiences. Dance, Ecstasy & Dreams. - Website :
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