San Francisco Bioregional poets and other voices for Change-San Francisco

ORGANIZER: Diamond Dave of Mutiny Radio


TIME: Saturday, September 24 · 2:00pm – dusk
LOCATION: Front of City Hall Civic Center Plaza – San Francisco Ca.
Created By Diamond Dave- Call Diamond for more information – (415) 240 – 0286


San Francisco Bioregional poets and other voices for Change, Tribute to digger, bio-regionalist, eco-warrior Peter Berg, This action is done in conjunction with Francisco, California and Moving Planet.

The spoken word and the singing word at an open mic.
Open Mic – 2 to 6 pm (or as long as it takes! We’re in for this through and through!)
FOOD NOT BOMBS will share with all. Do what you can, get what you need.
Really, really, really free market.
A drummin’ and dancin’ Mother of All Drum Circles will follow at dusk.
Your ideas are encouraged and welcome to make this truly a day of change.

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