Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Calgary Spoken Word Society & Single Onion

100 Thousand Poets for Change in Calgary Alberta

100 Thousand Poets for Change is a worldwide event on September 24th, uniting artists and poets in a simultaneous celebration to promote social, environmental and political change
The idea is purposefully broad – each community touching on their own local issues. Encouraging people to get out and meet their neighbors in times of ever-growing alienation. Come out and change how you see your local and global community!
Join us at the Bassbuss at Riley Park
1:00pm to 3:00pm
Guest Readers and Open Mic & readings from:
David Eso
Tim Murphy
Mike Roberts
Eugene Stickland
Sheri-D Wilson
The Calgary 2011 Slam team:
Erica Navickas
Erin Dingle
Andre Prefontaine
Paul Finkleman
and many other fabulous Calgary Poets!
There will also be an Open Mic so come out and show us your stuff!

Thank you to everyone who participated!  I was a fantastic day at the BassBuss! Thank you to Rod Coats for documenting the days event

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The Calgary Spoken Word Society was created in November 2003 by poet Sheri-D Wilson, and received its charitable tax status in 2006. Influenced by its founder’s passion, the Society’s vision is to develop a forum for the dissemination and promotion of Spoken Word Poetry locally, provincially, nationally and internationally, through performance and education. During April, we also present Spoken Word Program @ The Banff Centre, which offers a unique milieu for the spoken word artist to explore and develop both their voice and their career path. Throughout the year, we host bi-monthly Poetry SLAM! & Open Mics, which has grabbed hold in Calgary as the audiences continue to grow exponentially. Hundreds of emerging poets have taken an interest in this fabulous new form.
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